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Where's Your Heart? A Biblical Perspective on Giving

Writer's picture: Scot JonesScot Jones

Billy Graham once said, "The Bible warns that money cannot buy happiness, true pleasure, peace of heart, or entrance into the kingdom of God." This past Sunday we took a look at the heart of giving, exploring why God commands us to give and the profound impact it has on our lives and His kingdom.


God's Command to Give


Why Does God Command Us to Give?

God's command to give is not a mere suggestion but a divine mandate. Giving is God's way of involving us in His work and His kingdom. It allows us to become partakers in His divine plan, using the resources He has already provided to further His mission on earth.


Biblical Examples of Giving

The Bible has several examples of giving. The Israelites were commanded to give a tenth of their income, their first fruits. In the New Testament, Jesus commended the widow who gave two small mites, and Paul encouraged church members to give generously to support the ministry. Malachi 3:10 emphasizes this command: "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple. If you do, says the Lord of heaven's armies, I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a great blessing upon you."



The Heart Behind Giving


Trust and Faith

God commands us to give not because He needs our resources but because He wants our hearts. When we give, we are saying, "God, I trust that You will provide everything I need." This act of trust aligns us with God's heart, making us more like Him—the ultimate giver.


Breaking the Power of Greed

Giving also breaks the power of greed and materialism. In a world that constantly encourages accumulation, giving is a powerful act of resistance. Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:17-19 to teach those who are rich not to trust in their wealth but to be generous and willing to share, thus storing up treasures in heaven.


The Benefits of Giving

Aligning with God's Heart

When we give, we mirror God's image. This alignment brings us closer to Him, deepening our relationship and allowing us to experience His joy.


Eternal Investments

Giving has eternal benefits. When we give to the work of the Lord, we are storing up treasures in heaven. John Wesley encapsulated this essence of giving: "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."




The Priority of Giving

Heavenly Treasures vs. Earthly Treasures

Jesus teaches us to prioritize heavenly treasures over earthly ones. These investments can take many forms—time, talents, resources, and finances. Earthly treasures become problematic when they take precedence over our commitment to God and His kingdom.


The Condition of Our Hearts


Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. This means that what we value and prioritize reveals the true condition of our hearts. Are we storing up treasures in heaven or on earth? Are we giving out of obligation or with a joyful heart?


Trusting God with Your Finances


God challenges us to trust Him with our finances. Malachi 3:10 invites us to test Him and see if He will not pour out blessings upon us. This week, consider how you can trust God more with your resources.


Questions to Reflect On


1. Where is your treasure? Is it in earthly possessions or heavenly investments?


2. Are you giving out of obligation or with a joyful heart?


3. How can you align your heart more closely with God's priorities?


Challenge for the Week

Take a moment to pray and ask God where He wants you to give in the coming year. Consider picking up a vision card from the narthex and committing to a specific amount. Trust that your giving will make a difference in God's kingdom and in your own life.

Giving is not just about the act itself but about the heart behind it. When we give with a heart full of love and trust, we align ourselves with God's priorities and make a lasting impact on His kingdom. Let's commit to being cheerful givers, storing up treasures in heaven, and trusting God to provide for all our needs.

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